How to publish/update a WordPress plugin

This post is intended to document the steps to publish or update a WordPress plugin for developers who have never done it before. WordPress has a nice and more complete guide on how to use Subversion if you want to learn more after reading this intro.

To create this post I also created a WordPress plugin called Honking Goose. Check it out, it’s ridiculous! 💙

Checking out the repository

Once WordPress tests and accepts your plugin, you can checkout the empty svn repository at the URL they send you by email. In my case:

svn co honking-goose

You will get something like this:

➜  svn svn co honking-goose
A    honking-goose/assets
A    honking-goose/branches
A    honking-goose/tags
A    honking-goose/trunk
Checked out revision 2183506.

If you ls on the plugin directory you will see the new folders created:

assets   branches tags     trunk

Making svn ignore the .git directory

My ideal plugin workflow is to have the git repository in the trunk folder. In this way, I can work on branches on git, and when I am done and sure that my code works, I can merge everything to master and commit the changes to svn.

// Cloning master to trunk
➜  trunk git clone .
Cloning into '.'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 9, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 9 (delta 0), reused 6 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done.

➜  honking-goose cd ..

// Seeing what's new
➜  honking-goose svn st
?       trunk/.git
?       trunk/LICENSE
?       trunk/goose.mp3
?       trunk/honking-goose.js
?       trunk/honking-goose.php
?       trunk/readme.txt

The only problem with this approach is that svn shows the .git subdirectory as untracked too. Here’s what I did to make svn ignore the .git folder:

// Telling svn to ignore the '.git' directory inside trunk
➜  honking-goose svn propset svn:ignore '.git' trunk
property 'svn:ignore' set on 'trunk'

// Verifying everything is good
➜  honking-goose svn st
 M      trunk
?       trunk/LICENSE
?       trunk/goose.mp3
?       trunk/honking-goose.js
?       trunk/honking-goose.php
?       trunk/readme.txt

svn is now ignoring the .git folder completely, but now it shows the trunk folder as modified. AFAIK this is fine.

Adding the code

➜  honking-goose svn add trunk/*
A         trunk/LICENSE
A  (bin)  trunk/goose.mp3
A         trunk/honking-goose.js
A         trunk/honking-goose.php
A         trunk/readme.txt

Creating the new tag

➜  honking-goose svn cp trunk tags/1.0
A         tags/1.0

➜  honking-goose ls tags

➜  honking-goose ls tags/1.0
LICENSE           honking-goose.js  readme.txt
goose.mp3         honking-goose.php

Committing to the WordPress repository

Note: Always double check the changes you’re about to commit with svn stat or its shorter version svn st. Once you commit the changes to svn, these will be deployed to You should only commit to svn when you’re fully ready to go live.

➜  honking-goose svn st
A  +    tags/1.0
A       tags/1.0/LICENSE
A       tags/1.0/goose.mp3
A       tags/1.0/honking-goose.js
A       tags/1.0/honking-goose.php
A       tags/1.0/readme.txt
 M      trunk
A       trunk/LICENSE
A       trunk/goose.mp3
A       trunk/honking-goose.js
A       trunk/honking-goose.php
A       trunk/readme.txt

Everything looks good to go and ready be deployed (committed in svn terms). Here’s how to:

➜  honking-goose svn ci -m '1.0' --username username

I got an error with the following message:

... Use your login
Password for 'username': ***

Adding         tags/1.0
Adding         tags/1.0/LICENSE
Adding  (bin)  tags/1.0/goose.mp3
Adding         tags/1.0/honking-goose.js
Adding         tags/1.0/honking-goose.php
Adding         tags/1.0/readme.txt
Sending        trunk
Adding         trunk/LICENSE
Adding  (bin)  trunk/goose.mp3
Adding         trunk/honking-goose.js
Adding         trunk/honking-goose.php
Adding         trunk/readme.txt
Transmitting file data ..........done
Committing transaction...
svn: E165001: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E165001: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:
Please provide commit message that describes the changes you are making.

Oops. It looks like the commit message wasn’t what WordPress was expecting. If you get this error, try again with a longer commit message, such as:

➜  honking-goose svn ci -m 'Adding version 1.0' --username username

Success! Here’s what WordPress says about the release:

➜  honking-goose svn ci -m 'Adding version 1.0' --username username
Adding         tags/1.0
Adding         tags/1.0/LICENSE
Adding  (bin)  tags/1.0/goose.mp3
Adding         tags/1.0/honking-goose.js
Adding         tags/1.0/honking-goose.php
Adding         tags/1.0/readme.txt
Sending        trunk
Adding         trunk/LICENSE
Adding  (bin)  trunk/goose.mp3
Adding         trunk/honking-goose.js
Adding         trunk/honking-goose.php
Adding         trunk/readme.txt
Transmitting file data ..........done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 2183514.

That’s it. The release is out! You can expect an email from WordPress with a diff of the changes.

PS. The next thing that I want to try is updating a WordPress plugin through GitHub actions.

Security Considerations

Always make sure to use strong credentials to guard your account, if this account is hacked, it’s direct access to the people using your plugin and their websites — especially if they have auto-updates on.

Also remember not to include any sensible files/directories in your plugin releases: .git, .env, .sh, etc. Or any annoying ones, such as the .DS_Store.

That being said, happy code sharing! 😉