Simple CI/CD for Python apps using GitHub Actions

In this post I share how I built a simple CI/CD pipeline powered by GitHub Actions to build, test and deploy a Python application to DigitalOcean, but it can be applied to any server with SSH.

CI/CD with GitHub Actions

Because I hate long blog posts with the vital information right in the middle, I’m going to share my .yml file and let you decide whether you need to read the rest of the post, or not. Sometimes the source code is enough.

name: Deploy to production
    branches: [ production ]

    name: Deploy to production
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2.1.0
      - name: Set up Python 3
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: '3.x'
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install -r requirements.txt
      - name: Prepare database
        run: |
          cd ./db
          tar -zxvf appdb.tar.gz
      - name: Run end-to-end tests
        run: pytest
      - name: Build app
        run: python sdist
      - name: Deploy build to production
        run: |
          mkdir $PWD/.ssh
          eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
          echo -n "${{ secrets.SSH_KEY }}" > $PWD/.ssh/id_rsa
          chmod 600 $PWD/.ssh/id_rsa
          ssh-add -k $PWD/.ssh/id_rsa
          ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ${{ secrets.PROD_SERVER }} > $PWD/.ssh/known_hosts
          ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$PWD/.ssh/known_hosts ${{ secrets.USER }}@${{ secrets.PROD_SERVER }} "
            cd /home/app;
            source envapp/bin/activate;
            pip install app-1.tar.gz --upgrade;
            sudo nginx -s reload;
          rm $PWD/.ssh/id_rsa $PWD/.ssh/known_hosts
      - name: Clear Sucuri's cache (WAF)
        run: |
          curl "" \
            --data "k=${{ secrets.SUCURI_KEY }}" \
            --data "s=${{ secrets.SUCURI_SITE_HASH }}" \
            --data "a=clear_cache"

Defining the GitHub Actions

Chances are you already know this, but in case you do not, GitHub gives you 2000 minutes per month to run GitHub Actions. And these actions can be whatever you program them to be. You can use them to build your project, run tests against it, and to deploy it. The sky’s the limit.

You can make use of GitHub Actions by creating a .github directory at the root of your project, creating a workflows directory inside it and describing your actions using .yaml/.yml files.

Let’s create a cicd.yml file inside .github/workflows. The simples of actions looks like this:

name: Deploy to production
    branches: [ production ]

    name: Deploy to production
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2.1.0
      - name: Run ls command
        run: ls

This action simply pulls the current repository in an Ubuntu container and executes the command “ls” in the current directory.

Using third-party GitHub Actions

Besides defining your own GitHub actions you also have the option to re-use actions defined by a third-party. In this case I’m using actions/setup-python@v2, which gives me a Python 2 and 3 without any of the effort.

You can check that your Python environment works OK by committing and pushing the following changes to the cicd.yml file.

name: Deploy to production
    branches: [ production ]

    name: Deploy to production
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2.1.0
      - name: Set up Python 3
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: '3.x'
        run: python --version

Defining the steps for the CI/CD or workflow

GitHub actions take steps and execute them in order to complete the workflow.

In my case I have a Python application built on top of Flask and SQLite3, and currently running on DigitalOcean.

I needed a CI/CD to:

  1. Prepare the Python environment
  2. Install Python dependencies
  3. Prepare the database (the .sqlite3 file is compressed, I need to make it ready for the step 4)
  4. Run end-to-end tests (I need the production database for the tests)
  5. Build the app
  6. Deploy build to production
  7. Clear Sucuri’s cache (CDN/WAF)

This is how the first step “install Python dependencies” is going to look like in our cicd.yml file:

- name: Install dependencies
  run: |
    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install -r requirements.txt

I won’t explain the steps “prepare database” and “run end-to-end tests” since those are only needed for my application.

The “build app” step is just running “python sdist” to create the distribution file.

The interesting part comes in the “deploy build to production” step.

SSH to your server using GitHub Actions

While there are awesome third-party actions to connect the server handling your actions to your host, my needs were really simple and I didn’t feel like I needed them. I went for something more crafty.

First things first, I defined the following secrets in my GitHub repository:

These secrets are available in your cicd.yml file as variables. You can access them with the syntax: ${{ secrets.SECRET_NAME }}

Here’s how I managed to authenticate the SSH connection from GitHub’s server to my DigitalOcean server:

mkdir $PWD/.ssh
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
echo -n "${{ secrets.SSH_KEY }}" > $PWD/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 600 $PWD/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-add -k $PWD/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ${{ secrets.PROD_SERVER }} > $PWD/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$PWD/.ssh/known_hosts ${{ secrets.USER }}@${{ secrets.PROD_SERVER }} "
  cd /home/app;
  source envapp/bin/activate;
  pip install app-1.tar.gz --upgrade;
  sudo nginx -s reload;
rm $PWD/.ssh/id_rsa $PWD/.ssh/known_hosts

Please note that the type of the key I’m using for ssh-keyscan (ecdsa-sha2-nistp256) might not be what you need. Please read this page for more information.

Clearing my CDN/WAF cache

On successful deployments, I also need my CI/CD pipeline to clear the cache hosted on the CDN/WAF powered by Sucuri Security.

Doing so will ensure that my app users get to enjoy new features and content as soon as they are properly tested and deployed on the production server.

Doing this with GitHub Actions and Sucuri is really easy, all it takes is a curl call:

curl "" \
  --data "k=${{ secrets.SUCURI_KEY }}" \
  --data "s=${{ secrets.SUCURI_SITE_HASH }}" \
  --data "a=clear_cache"

And that completes my CI/CD pipeline powered by GitHub actions. More advanced needs will need a more advanced pipeline, but this one fits perfectly for my project. The whole pipeline runs in less than a minute.

If you have suggestions on how to improve this pipeline, ping me on Twitter.

Happy deploying to production! 🚀